Flower Essences



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NEW Flower Essences to Receive ~ Integrate ~ Ground the New Energy~ Light~Frequency~ Vibrations


New Flower Essences ~ Summer 2011


The year of 2011 has definately seen a dramatic increase in divine light, high frequency- vibrational energy pouring into the planet. This influx of light and energy means the Earth and its inhabitants must ground this high vibrational energy. (Inhabitants: humanity, plants, nature, animals, water, and all of the Earth environment.) This light and energy is an integral part of our individual and collective spiritual evolution, offering constructive information.


As we attempt to align our vibrational systems with the new frequencies and vibrations of this evolved energy, challenges abound. Especially rising to the challenge of taking responsibility for our choices and actions, navigating, and ultimately evolving into a new and improved version of self. It is instrumental to our success in this vibrational leap to release the dense, heavy, slower vibrations impeding the integration and grounding of this new evolved light and energy.


During 2011, Angels and Elementals assisted in the creation of New Flower Essences to support our need to learn how to ground and integrate these higher vibrations. Flowers gift us with a willingness to share this wisdom through their flower essences, creating a type of "roadmap" for us. In addition to the physical integration (in some cases major systems overhauls or tune-ups), the mental, emotional, heart, & spiritual~soul also receive tremendous benefits.


Specific Flowers and their signatures reflect a universal and planetary reception of the ascended realm's new light and energy, while integrating and grounding this new wisdom into form. These specific signatures hold both the challenging elements of holding the higher awareness in and of the present, while offering the assistance to attune to the New energies and manifestations at work on all levels.


The Elementals requested that these specific Flower Essences be created with the focus upon native Flowers to a specific geographical region on the planet. This very small geographical region birthed the "greatest biodiversity of any Floral Kingdom with over 9,000 different plant species originating and co-existing in this region. This inexplicable evolutionary leap, (M.S. GHF)" is thought to have resulted from the surge in planetary vibrations from eons ago.


The wisdom held within these specific Flowers are immensely important for humanity and the Earth right now and in the coming future. It is encouraged to seek out and use Flower Essences to help you, your animals, nature, wildlife, the Earth to make this incredible leap. So please call upon the Elementals to cleanse your environment, living spaces, or locations held close to your heart, with grace and ease, and to soften any intense cleansing weather processes such as floods, earthquakes, drought, fire, and etc. The extra conscious efforts and help each person offers, can have a dramatic effect as a whole.


To purchase these custom mixed Flower Essences, & To obtain detailed information and resources specific to these special Flower Essences, please contact Karri Ann directly.